Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Possibilites free essay sample

Possibilities; it has to be the answer. Ever since I was young, even before I can even remember, my mom has told me stories depicting my youthful curiosity. She would tell me of times when I was toddler and I would wander away from her to explore the world. Now these werent in some abandoned environments, I am talking about places like New York City. Besides giving my mother a near heart attack on multiple occasions, these events, I feel, describe perfectly my unrelenting fascination with what the world has to offer. I was amazed by the skyscrapers, the brilliant, shining lights, and the diversity of everyone around me. It was beautiful to me and still is. These qualities have defined me as an individual and follow me to this day. I consistently block out the reality around me, deep in thought. Once I am set on a specific idea I cannot even possibly conceive of focusing on anything else. We will write a custom essay sample on Possibilites or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The complete makeup of who I am as a person points in one direction, engineering. The reason I want to be an engineer is not from some long line of famed ancestry or for the promising monetary values, it is so much more meaningful to me than that. It is part of who I am and who I want to become. From the time I was able to walk I was playing with Lego’s, exploring the world, looking for any way to express the constant feelings of wonder that I had inside. I draw, play, listen to music; I do everything I can in life because I believe that there are so many things to try and to uncover in this immense world we live in. I want to have an impact, while waking up everyday doing something I love. That is what engineering means to me. Its the opportunity to be creative, making the ideas of my wildest imagination come true; it is all about the possibilities.

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