Thursday, December 26, 2019

The Life And Times Of Michael Jackson A Look Into The Man

The Life and Times of Michael Jackson: A look into the Man in the Mirror Ishmael Johnson College of Southern Nevada The artist who had the biggest impact on me was Michael Jackson. He was my Elvis and Beatles†¦(Michael Buble). In today’s society we flock to the glamour and the glitz. In music if you wanted to be discovered you have to be where the action is; Los Angeles, New York or Nashville Tennessee. With such a direct approach to finding success who would have guessed that the best of the best would have been found in a diverse musical family in the middle of Garry Indiana. Born Michael Joseph Jackson he was the 8th child in the family of 9 children. Not exactly in the best position to stand out in the family.†¦show more content†¦The Chitlin’ Curcuit gave these performs a safe environment where they could showcase their talents. Eventually the Jackson 5 went to the Apollo. The Apollo was the pinnacle for African American performers at that time. This all led the Jackson five to their first contract with Steeltown records in 1967. The only released 2 singles before getting to sign with Berry Gordy and Motown in 1968-69. That was the beginning of something special. As a part of Motown The Jackson 5 was a part of a very strong group of performers, many who had a lot of success and were either at the top of their game or on a steady climb to the top. The Jackson 5 however was no slouch in the group. As a part of Motown they were surrounded by great performers such as The Temptations, The Supremes, The Four Tops and Diana Ross. However even with all that talent the Jackson 5 made history and showed they could compete by being the first recording act to have their first 4 singles reach #1 on the Billboard 100. The songs â€Å"ABC†, â€Å"I’ll be there†, â€Å"I want you back† and â€Å"The love you save,† made the Jackson 5 a hit not only in the United States but across the globe. Even though Michael was added to The Jackson Brothers group as a part of the backup band he quickly shined and became the lead singer and was considered to be a prodigy by Rolling stone magazine. The Jackson 5 was a hit lead by you ng Michael Jackson and they continued to have numerous successes having

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

What Routes Can Coaches Take to Go Above and Beyond for Future Leaders Article

Essays on What Routes Can Coaches Take to Go Above and Beyond for Future Leaders Article ï » ¿ Abstract In this article we shall summarize the five hidden roles that author Robert Barner thinks is important for a managerial coach to perform to achieve success in imparting developmental teaching to his team leaders. Further we will discuss how these hidden managerial roles help in the enhancement of a leader’s career path. The author has clearly stated that a good managerial coach is one who can perform the five hidden roles effectively. According to Robert Barner (2011), there are five hidden roles which a leader coaching manager needs to perform besides being a good listener, problem solver and a guide for future development and they are as an – Organizational translator, performance consultant, developmental assessor, cognitive mentor and brand advisor. As an organizational translator, a manager needs to help the leader evaluate the disparities in his fundamental development which can be done by providing him a feedback of his year around performance. Barner has developed a three step crucible model which will provide leaders, especially exceptional leaders, a guide to identify the various job characteristics needed to achieve their future job target. To prove himself as a good coach a manager should guide the leader in every step of the crucible model (Barner, 2011). As a performance consultant, a manager should ask the leader to form a developmental plan which focuses only on specific target achievement. This will not only help in the personal enhancement of the leader but also lead to organizational development. Further it will also provide a good ground for testing the capability and performance growth of the leader, and thereby enable him to focus only on a particular target rather than the whole set of targets. Thirdly, the role of a developmental assessor requires the manager to guide the leader in choosing the appropriate development task which will enable the leader to test his own capability for handling exceptional leadership challenges and will also provide him an opportunity to interact with other organizational managers. Also as an assessor the manager should help the leader identify the distinct steps where the leader can prove his capability and thereafter provide him proper coaching and guidance in organizing the steps. The fourt h role of a manager requires him to act as a good cognitive mentor for the leaders. To achieve this, he should not only state his achievements during the modeling sessions but discuss in details the decisions and actions he undertook to attain them. This will enable the leaders in understanding the reasoning and scrutiny required to be done for crucial business decisions (Barner, 2011). Lastly, the manager needs to become the brand advisor of the leaders by providing them useful feedback on the personal image that the leaders have created in the organizations. The manager should have the capability to make a leader understand how the leader’s image is either helping him succeed or proving detrimental for his career which will help the leader in changing himself for the enhancement his career development. Further, as an advisor a manager needs to teach leaders the importance of brand migration. In other words, he should teach the leader how important it is for him to adapt to different organizational settings and positions. By adapting, a manager should not mean changing one’s personality but the outlook through which others perceive the leader. Lastly to be a good coach, it is very crucial for a manager to teach a leader how to make his first impressions good and effective as it goes a long way in the development of his career. Thus, according to Barn er (2011), if a manager can play these five hidden roles effectively, he will undoubtedly become a very successful managerial coach. References Barner, R. (2011, June). The Five Hidden Roles of the Managerial Coach: What routes can coaches take to go above and beyond for future leaders? ASTD. Retrieved from

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Possibilites free essay sample

Possibilities; it has to be the answer. Ever since I was young, even before I can even remember, my mom has told me stories depicting my youthful curiosity. She would tell me of times when I was toddler and I would wander away from her to explore the world. Now these werent in some abandoned environments, I am talking about places like New York City. Besides giving my mother a near heart attack on multiple occasions, these events, I feel, describe perfectly my unrelenting fascination with what the world has to offer. I was amazed by the skyscrapers, the brilliant, shining lights, and the diversity of everyone around me. It was beautiful to me and still is. These qualities have defined me as an individual and follow me to this day. I consistently block out the reality around me, deep in thought. Once I am set on a specific idea I cannot even possibly conceive of focusing on anything else. We will write a custom essay sample on Possibilites or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The complete makeup of who I am as a person points in one direction, engineering. The reason I want to be an engineer is not from some long line of famed ancestry or for the promising monetary values, it is so much more meaningful to me than that. It is part of who I am and who I want to become. From the time I was able to walk I was playing with Lego’s, exploring the world, looking for any way to express the constant feelings of wonder that I had inside. I draw, play, listen to music; I do everything I can in life because I believe that there are so many things to try and to uncover in this immense world we live in. I want to have an impact, while waking up everyday doing something I love. That is what engineering means to me. Its the opportunity to be creative, making the ideas of my wildest imagination come true; it is all about the possibilities.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

The U.S. Presidents Powers

America is the most powerful nation in the world. Therefore, its policies have far reaching effects. Presidency is the highest political office in the U.S. Therefore, the U.S. presidency is the most powerful political office in the world. However, the presidency has undergone several changes. These changes are due to the changes in local American politics and waning global influence of the U.S.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on The U.S. President’s Powers specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More There has been a significant increase in the executive powers of the president. During the early years of the inception of the U.S. presidency, presidents had limited executive power. Oversight by congress and courts helped in limiting the powers of the presidency. Therefore, presidents sought public support on various issues. However, a ‘unitary executive’ has helped in increasing the powers of the Executive Of fice of the President (EOP). After the Second World War, the U.S. provided global leadership. The U.S. was had a moral obligation to provide leadership to other countries. However, global conditions have undergone several changes since the Second World War. The U.S. does not have the cultural and social influence it had. In addition, the U.S. economy does not account for a high proportion of the global output. Reduction of the influence of the U.S. on global affairs is due to the rise of other countries. These countries include China, Russia, India, Brazil, and the European Union. This has reduced the power of the EOP. This necessitates the U.S. to act as partners while collaborating with other countries. However, despite the waning of the influence of the U.S. on global affairs, the EOP is still the highest political office in the world. Expansion of Presidential Power Historically, there has been continued expansion of presidential power. Soon after the formation of the presidency , presidents had limited power. Congress wielded so much power. Fear of monarchical tendencies is the main reason that made the Framers limit the powers of the presidency. However, the executive powers of the presidency were enough to protect the U.S. from foreign enemies. The executive powers of the EOP have increased gradually since its formation. Presidents do not usually belong to parties that have a majority in Congress. This may limit the ability of presidents to pass bills that support their policies. Lack of congressional support is one of the main factors that has necessitated the increase in the executive powers of the presidency. Presidents can use a veto to reject a bill. Congress can overturn a presidential veto. However, to do so, it requires a two-thirds majority. Therefore, Congress has overturned very few presidential vetoes. Acting against the will the public is the main reason that may lead to the limiting of the executive powers of the EOP. The Watergate tapes ca se is a clear illustration of how the Supreme Court may limit the powers of the EOP. The Supreme Court ruled that presidents do not have executive privilege to withhold information that was vital in criminal investigations. Presidents have strived to undertake policies that have the support of most members of the public.Advertising Looking for essay on government? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More This has prevented the reduction of the executive powers of the EOP. Terrorism is one of the major problems facing the U.S. Terrorism has increased the powers of the EOP. This enables the EOP to protect the country more effectively. However, presidents must have justifiable reasons to engage in strikes against terrorists. This essay on The U.S. President’s Powers was written and submitted by user Bowen P. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.